Statistics and meaning of name Aanitei
We have no records about Aanitei being used as firstname.
Surname Aanitei is used at least 63 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Vasile Aanitei (9) Gheorghe Aanitei (6) Maria Aanitei (5) Victor Aanitei (4) Ioan Aanitei (3) Georgeta Aanitei (3) Mitica Aanitei (2) Mircea Aanitei (2) Constantin Aanitei (2) Ruxanda Aanitei (2) Neculai Aanitei (2) Emil Aanitei (2) Mihai Aanitei (2) Angelina Aanitei (2) Gabriela Aanitei (2) Safta Aanitei (1) Verginia Aanitei (1) Adrian Aanitei (1) Cristinel Aanitei (1) Petru Aanitei (1) Mihaela Aanitei (1) Mariea Aanitei (1) Florentina Aanitei (1) Costel Aanitei (1) |
Aanitei reversed is Ietinaa
Name contains 7 letters - 71.43% vowels and 28.57% consonants.
Anagrams: Eitaina
Misspells: Oanitei Aanytei Aanjtei Aanetei Aaniteia Anaitei Aanitie Aanieti
Rhymes: whitei flyby byby hydei skyhigh
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Aanitei Gender: Unisex Location: Europe Language: Romanian Thematic: Popular Culture Meaning: A last name very similar to "Aanicai", the difference being the suffix of the diminutive form of "Ana": Anica - Anita. Comments: |
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