Statistics and meaning of name Aasetre

We have no records about Aasetre being used as firstname.
Surname Aasetre is used at least 18 times in at least 1 countries. (Norway)

Given names
Tor Aasetre (2)
Helge Aasetre (2)
Stian Aasetre (1)
Richard Aasetre (1)
Sveinung Aasetre (1)
Torbjorn Aasetre (1)
Margunn Aasetre (1)
Torodd Aasetre (1)
Kristina Aasetre (1)
Elin Aasetre (1)
Bente Aasetre (1)
Ingvild Aasetre (1)
Jonathan Aasetre (1)
Alla Aasetre (1)
Jorund Aasetre (1)
Lena Aasetre (1)

Surname Aasetre in Norway   

Aasetre reversed is Ertesaa
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Etsarea Aseerta Teseara Eratsea Retaesa Eraesat
Misspells: Oasetre Aasetle Aasetrre Aassetre Aasetrea Asaetre Aaseter Aaserte

Rhymes: saltpetre Lemaitre Sartre amphitheatre goitre theatre foster roster posture softer prosper

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Stian says: Name origin is from a farm located in Langangen Norway. Aas=Hill, Setre=small farmhouse

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