Statistics and meaning of name Abeyasinghe
We have no records about Abeyasinghe being used as firstname.
Surname Abeyasinghe is used at least 32 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Niranjala Abeyasinghe (3) Lascelles Abeyasinghe (2) Niroj Abeyasinghe (1) Rohini Abeyasinghe (1) Rukshi Abeyasinghe (1) Tissa Abeyasinghe (1) Suweeraka Abeyasinghe (1) Suwarnalagha Abeyasinghe (1) Nadia Abeyasinghe (1) Manisha Abeyasinghe (1) Gamini Abeyasinghe (1) Chandrika Abeyasinghe (1) Gitanjali Abeyasinghe (1) Harischandra Abeyasinghe (1) Magodage Abeyasinghe (1) Kenneth Abeyasinghe (1) Anura Abeyasinghe (1) |
Abeyasinghe reversed is Ehgnisayeba
Name contains 11 letters - 54.55% vowels and 45.45% consonants.
Anagrams: Seaheibnayg Aenehbyagsi
Misspells: Obeyasinghe Abeyassinghe Abeyasynghe Abeiasinghe Abeyasjnghe Abeyasenghe Abeyasinghea Aebyasinghe Abeyasingeh Abeyasinhge
Rhymes: amassing passing surpassing harassing massing
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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