Statistics and meaning of name Abeysundera

We have no records about Abeysundera being used as firstname.
Surname Abeysundera is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿贝孙德拉 (pinyin: ā bèi sūn dé lā)

      Surname Abeysundera
Given names
Kishani Abeysundera (2)
Sunil Abeysundera (2)
Linda Abeysundera (1)
Sarath Abeysundera (1)
Yamith Abeysundera (1)
Janet Abeysundera (1)
Delrene Abeysundera (1)
Frederick Abeysundera (1)
Gihani Abeysundera (1)
Indira Abeysundera (1)
Darrell Abeysundera (1)

Abeysundera reversed is Arednusyeba
Name contains 11 letters - 54.55% vowels and 45.45% consonants.

Anagrams: Beruasyaned
Misspells: Obeysundera Abeysundela Abeysunderra Abeyssundera Abeisundera Abeysunderaa Aebysundera Abeysundear Abeysundrea

Rhymes: Barrera Cabrera Chimera Churriguera Hera Herrera Monera para chimera caldera mascara sierra

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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