Statistics and meaning of name Abimael
Usage: 90% firstname, 10% surname.
Abimael first name was found 918 times in 13 different countries.
Surname Abimael is used at least 92 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Peru)
Origin of this name is Biblical.
Gender of firstname Abimael is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Family names Abimael Sailofa (1) Abimael Oliveira (1) Abimael Hernandez (1) Abimael Lycaon (1) Abimael Castro (1) Abimael Merino (1) Abimael Stoian (1) Abimael Casco (1) |
Abimael reversed is Leamiba
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Maibela Mabalei Abmilae Alimaeb Lbaimea Lebaima Elaamib Mealiba
Misspells: Obimael Abymael Abjmael Abemael Abimaela Aibmael Abimale Abimeal
Rhymes: Ishmael Ismael Carmichael Gael Israel detail bewail derail male mail
Meaning of name Abimael is: Means "my father is God" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he is listed as a descendent of Shem.
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