Statistics and meaning of name Absous

We have no records about Absous being used as firstname.
Surname Absous is used at least 28 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Absous
Given names
Philippe Absous (2)
Pierre Absous (1)
Patrick Absous (1)
Agnes Absous (1)
Samy Absous (1)
Maxime Absous (1)
Olivier Absous (1)
Marc Absous (1)
Brice Absous (1)
Annette Absous (1)
Christophe Absous (1)
David Absous (1)
Jacques Absous (1)
Denis Absous (1)
Benjamin Absous (1)

Surname Absous in France   Surname Absous in USA   

Absous reversed is Suosba
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Baossu Bsosau Aosubs Sbousa Sabuos Bsaosu Ossaub Asbuso Uosasb Bsauso
Misspells: Obsous Abssous Absousa Asbous Absosu Absuos

Rhymes: Carboniferous Cretaceous Delicious Lissajous abstemious acidulous acrimonious whose shoes accuse blues amuse

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Ukraine Tunisia Italy United Kingdom Singapore Europe


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