Statistics and meaning of name Agache

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Agache first name was found 19 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Agache is used at least 1117 times in at least 15 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿加什 (pinyin: ā jiā shén)

      Surname Agache
Given names
Gheorghe Agache (49)
Vasile Agache (45)
Maria Agache (45)
Ion Agache (40)
Constantin Agache (30)
Elena Agache (29)
Dumitru Agache (25)
Mihai Agache (22)
Ioan Agache (15)
Alexandru Agache (13)
Neculai Agache (13)
Costica Agache (13)
Viorica Agache (10)
Viorel Agache (9)
Mircea Agache (9)
Toader Agache (9)
Valentin Agache (8)
Nicolae Agache (8)
Aurel Agache (7)
Georgeta Agache (7)
Stefan Agache (7)
Ilie Agache (6)
Ileana Agache (6)
Ionel Agache (6)
Adrian Agache (6)
Grigore Agache (6)
Florin Agache (6)
Andrei Agache (6)
Costel Agache (6)
Anica Agache (6)
Mariana Agache (6)
Silvia Agache (5)
Philippe Agache (5)
Paraschiva Agache (5)
Marcel Agache (5)
Paraschiv Agache (5)
Vasilica Agache (5)
Gabriel Agache (5)
Regis Agache (5)
Dan Agache (5)
Victor Agache (5)
Eugenia Agache (4)
Cristina Agache (4)
Savel Agache (4)
Paulina Agache (4)
Lina Agache (4)
Valentina Agache (4)
Catinca Agache (4)
Ana Agache (4)
Ortansa Agache (4)
Petru Agache (4)
Aglaia Agache (4)
Liviu Agache (4)
Dionisie Agache (4)
Bruno Agache (4)
Doru Agache (4)
Petrica Agache (3)
Doina Agache (3)
Dorel Agache (3)
Lucica Agache (3)
Lenuta Agache (3)
Marinela Agache (3)
Natalia Agache (3)
Ioana Agache (3)
Iulian Agache (3)
Ionita Agache (3)
Nicusor Agache (3)
Olimpia Agache (3)
Mihaela Agache (3)
Georgel Agache (3)
Maricica Agache (3)
Gica Agache (3)
Marin Agache (3)
Gelu Agache (3)
Danut Agache (3)
Valeriu Agache (3)
Stephanie Agache (3)
Marc Agache (3)
Arnaud Agache (3)
Cezar Agache (3)
Vladimir Agache (3)
Jean Agache (3)
Emilia Agache (3)
Carmen Agache (3)
Maxime Agache (3)
Constanta Agache (3)
Cristian Agache (3)
Irina Agache (3)
Sandrine Agache (2)
Mitica Agache (2)
Vincent Agache (2)
Nicolas Agache (2)
Isabelle Agache (2)
Nicu Agache (2)
Nicoleta Agache (2)
Pierre Agache (2)
Eric Agache (2)
Gaston Agache (2)
Cecile Agache (2)
Marius Agache (2)
Aurelie Agache (2)
Joelle Agache (2)
Marioara Agache (2)
Louis Agache (2)
Alexandra Agache (2)
Alain Agache (2)
Margareta Agache (2)
Paulette Agache (2)
Sylvie Agache (2)
Patrice Agache (2)
Oltea Agache (2)
Silviu Agache (2)
Simona Agache (2)
Toma Agache (2)
Tudora Agache (2)
Sandel Agache (2)
Toderita Agache (2)
Soltana Agache (2)
Tatian Agache (2)
Tinel Agache (2)
Patrick Agache (2)
Luminita Agache (2)
Speranta Agache (2)
Rodica Agache (2)
Petronie Agache (2)
Tiberiu Agache (2)
Daniel Agache (2)
Franck Agache (2)
Liliane Agache (2)
Nita Agache (2)
Ovidiu Agache (2)
Zenovia Agache (2)
Petre Agache (2)
Valerica Agache (2)
Vergina Agache (2)
Virginia Agache (2)
Joseph Agache (2)
Niculina Agache (2)
Fanica Agache (2)
Eugen Agache (2)
Eufrosina Agache (2)
Aurica Agache (2)
Florentina Agache (2)
Corneliu Agache (2)
Hristache Agache (2)
Antonim Agache (2)
Gogu Agache (2)
Aspazia Agache (2)
Avedica Agache (2)
Ecaterina Agache (2)
Daniela Agache (2)
Cristinel Agache (2)
Costache Agache (2)
Cosmin Agache (2)
Dobrita Agache (2)
Doinel Agache (2)
Dumitrache Agache (2)
Catalin Agache (2)
Doinita Agache (2)
Iacob Agache (2)
Gabriela Agache (2)
Radu Agache (2)
Iordache Agache (2)
Victoria Agache (2)
Abigaela Agache (2)
Iosefina Agache (2)
Liliana Agache (2)
Justina Agache (2)
Ionut Agache (2)
Angela Agache (2)
Ionela Agache (2)
Christelle Agache (1)
Gilles Agache (1)
Graziella Agache (1)
Celine Agache (1)
Martine Agache (1)
Iulia Agache (1)
Michel Agache (1)
Christophe Agache (1)
David Agache (1)
Bernadette Agache (1)
Maryse Agache (1)
Alexandre Agache (1)
Chantal Agache (1)
Elodie Agache (1)
Caty Agache (1)
Dominique Agache (1)
Claude Agache (1)
Mireille Agache (1)
Lilia Agache (1)
Francoise Agache (1)
Amand Agache (1)
Albert Agache (1)
Iurie Agache (1)
Tudor Agache (1)
Veaceslav Agache (1)
Anthony Agache (1)
Auguste Agache (1)
Joel Agache (1)
Caroline Agache (1)

Given name Agache
Family names
Agache Pruteanu (3)
Agache Ghimpu (2)
Agache Barbascu (2)
Agache Bojoga (2)
Agache Olteanu (2)
Agache Daniela (1)
Agache Voicu (1)
Agache Manaila (1)

Surname Agache in France   Surname Agache in Italy   Surname Agache in Moldova   Surname Agache in USA   

Agache reversed is Ehcaga
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Gacaeh Gaceah Acahge Gaaceh Aaghec Gaahec
Misspells: Ogache Agachea Aagche Agaceh Agahce

Rhymes: Andromache Apache ache backache bellyache cache earache

Meaning of name Agache is: same as [Agachi]

Jolien Agache says: De naam komt uit Frankrijk. Het betekend ekster.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Italy France Germany Canada Belgium United Kingdom Thailand Moldova Ukraine Brazil Iraq Iran Turkey Finland Australia


Old Wiki
Name: Agache
Language: Romanian
Meaning: same as Agachi

Famous people: Lavinia Agache, Alexandru Agache, Angel Agache

Writers: Pierre G. Agache

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