Statistics and meaning of name Agah

Usage: 30% firstname, 70% surname.
Agah first name was found 112 times in 14 different countries.
Surname Agah is used at least 255 times in at least 17 countries.
Origin of this name is Turkish.
Gender of firstname Agah is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿加 (pinyin: ā jiā)

      Surname Agah
Given names
Dler Agah (2)
Farah Agah (2)
Nilab Agah (2)
Hassan Agah (2)
Suzan Agah (1)
Aga Agah (1)
Parviz Agah (1)
Babak Agah (1)
Andreas Agah (1)
Arman Agah (1)
Arez Agah (1)
David Agah (1)
Soghra Agah (1)
Manoush Agah (1)
Isabella Agah (1)
Mehrzad Agah (1)
Esfandiar Agah (1)
Mehriar Agah (1)
Maryam Agah (1)
Cynthia Agah (1)
Elizabeth Agah (1)
Humayun Agah (1)
Cecilia Agah (1)
Afsaneh Agah (1)
Daryush Agah (1)
Mao Agah (1)
John Agah (1)
Maria Agah (1)
Sheila Agah (1)
Hussain Agah (1)
Enayatollah Agah (1)
Rodney Agah (1)
Rahbar Agah (1)
Onyekaozuru Agah (1)
Parvin Agah (1)
Parivash Agah (1)

Given name Agah
Family names
Agah Orman (3)
Agah Ocak (1)
Agah Pulat (1)
Agah Baykal (1)
Agah Pektas (1)
Agah Aslan (1)
Agah Onder (1)
Agah Ogungboye (1)
Agah Comak (1)
Agah Gundogdu (1)
Agah Ecvit (1)
Agah Idachaba (1)

Surname Agah in Germany   Surname Agah in USA   

Agah reversed is Haga
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Agha Aagh Gaha Haag Ahag Haga Hgaa Gaah
Misspells: Ogah Agaha Aagh Agha

Rhymes: bodega balalaika ala data beta

Meaning of name Agah is: Informed, Aware

Tony Agah says: Tony Agah , is country engineering manager for Sabmiller in Nigeria, a strong engineer and assets management, asset care practioner with about 2 decades experience

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Canada Sweden United Kingdom Turkey Australia Lithuania Switzerland Netherlands Thailand Austria New Zealand Belgium Taiwan Japan Ireland Iran India South Africa France Nigeria Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina Iraq Mexico Ghana


Famous people: Salman Agah

Writers: Arvin Agah, Ramtin Agah, Salman Agah

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