Statistics and meaning of name Agbenyega

Usage: 14% firstname, 86% surname.
Agbenyega first name was found 10 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Agbenyega is used at least 57 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Agbenyega
Given names
Jonathan Agbenyega (4)
Mavis Agbenyega (2)
Dorothy Agbenyega (2)
John Agbenyega (2)
Akuafo Agbenyega (2)
Lily Agbenyega (1)
Xesta Agbenyega (1)
Lillian Agbenyega (1)
Kofi Agbenyega (1)
Esta Agbenyega (1)
Adodo Agbenyega (1)
Alfred Agbenyega (1)
Elaine Agbenyega (1)

Given name Agbenyega
Family names
Agbenyega Leh (2)

Surname Agbenyega in USA   

Agbenyega reversed is Ageynebga
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Nageegyba Agebeagyn Ebyggaane
Misspells: Ogbenyega Agbeniega Agbenyegaa Abgenyega Agbenyeag Agbenygea

Rhymes: Noriega Onega Ortega Sega Vega bodega omega acacia azalea data beta

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Ghana Norway United Kingdom Germany Hong Kong Australia Belgium India Denmark Italy


Writers: J. Agbenyega, Agbenyega Adedze

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