Statistics and meaning of name Agerbirk

We have no records about Agerbirk being used as firstname.
Surname Agerbirk is used at least 6 times in at least 1 countries. (Denmark)

Given names
Peter Agerbirk (1)
Susanne Agerbirk (1)
Niels Agerbirk (1)
Leif Agerbirk (1)
Jane Agerbirk (1)
Erik Agerbirk (1)

Agerbirk reversed is Kribrega
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rgekirab Bgerarki Rgaerikb
Misspells: Ogerbirk Agelbirk Agerrbirk Agerbyrk Agerbjrk Agerberk Agerbirka Aegrbirk Agerbikr Agerbrik

Rhymes: Dirk Dunkirk Kirk Selkirk dirk irk kirk paperwork berserk jerk overwork

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Niels Agerbirk says: Niels Martinus Agerbech Nielsen (1899-1997)and his wife Marie Elisabeth Agerbech Nielsen (born Landberg) (1901-1974?) around 1925(?)wished to omit Nielsen from their name, using Agerbech as last name. Agerbech was probably derived from Agerbaek, a name of one (or more) villages in West Jutland, Denmark. However, other people with that last name opposed their wish. The story goes that Elisabeth then suggested the name Agerbirk, literally field-birch, which no other family had ever used. Present day carriers of the name are all descendants of Niels and Elisabeth or related by marriage.

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