Statistics and meaning of name Aichhorner

We have no records about Aichhorner being used as firstname.
Surname Aichhorner is used at least 22 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Austria)

Given names
Kurt Aichhorner (2)
Helga Aichhorner (2)
Klara Aichhorner (2)
Walter Aichhorner (1)
Stanislaus Aichhorner (1)
Eveline Aichhorner (1)
Hilde Aichhorner (1)
Sandra Aichhorner (1)
Alois Aichhorner (1)
Robert Aichhorner (1)
Renata Aichhorner (1)
Christina Aichhorner (1)
Gottfried Aichhorner (1)
Jakob Aichhorner (1)
Josef Aichhorner (1)
Albert Aichhorner (1)
Erich Aichhorner (1)

Surname Aichhorner in Austria   Surname Aichhorner in Italy   

Aichhorner reversed is Renrohhcia
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Hiracohern Rheacihonr Erhahcinro Hheacrinor Onercahihr
Misspells: Oichhorner Aichholner Aichhorrner Aychhorner Ajchhorner Aechhorner Aichhornera Acihhorner Aichhornre Aichhorenr

Rhymes: corner forlorner stubborner Easterner Garner Lerner Northerner einer minor finer liner miner

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Italy Germany Thailand Iran


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