Statistics and meaning of name Aiftincai

We have no records about Aiftincai being used as firstname.
Surname Aiftincai is used at least 69 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Aiftincai
Given names
Gheorghe Aiftincai (12)
Ion Aiftincai (4)
Mihai Aiftincai (4)
Emil Aiftincai (4)
Mihaela Aiftincai (3)
Georgeta Aiftincai (3)
Maricica Aiftincai (2)
Aneta Aiftincai (2)
Niculina Aiftincai (2)
Petrica Aiftincai (2)
Constantin Aiftincai (2)
Vasile Aiftincai (2)
Elena Aiftincai (2)
Eugenia Aiftincai (2)
Veronica Aiftincai (1)
Silvia Aiftincai (1)
Michaela Aiftincai (1)
Petru Aiftincai (1)
Bogdan Aiftincai (1)
Valentin Aiftincai (1)
Spiridon Aiftincai (1)
Stefan Aiftincai (1)
Lucica Aiftincai (1)
Eleonora Aiftincai (1)
Dumitru Aiftincai (1)
Aurel Aiftincai (1)
Eustina Aiftincai (1)
Laurentiu Aiftincai (1)
Alexandru Aiftincai (1)
Lucian Aiftincai (1)
Neculai Aiftincai (1)

Aiftincai reversed is Iacnitfia
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Itaifniac
Misspells: Oiftincai Ayftincai Ajftincai Aeftincai Aiftincaia Afitincai Aiftincia Aiftinaci

Rhymes: sky thereby deny stimuli hereby

Meaning of name Aiftincai is: from [Iftinca] derived from [Eftimia]; in Romanian writing : Aiftincăi
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Germany


Old Wiki
Name: Aiftincai
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from Iftinca derived from Eftimia
Comments: in Romanian writing : Aiftincăi

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