Statistics and meaning of name Ailoaiei

We have no records about Ailoaiei being used as firstname.
Surname Ailoaiei is used at least 29 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Ailoaiei
Given names
Constantin Ailoaiei (5)
Dumitru Ailoaiei (4)
Mioara Ailoaiei (2)
Maria Ailoaiei (2)
Pusa Ailoaiei (1)
Petronela Ailoaiei (1)
Vasile Ailoaiei (1)
Octav Ailoaiei (1)
Viorica Ailoaiei (1)
Petrea Ailoaiei (1)
Stelian Ailoaiei (1)
Marian Ailoaiei (1)
Costache Ailoaiei (1)
Aurelia Ailoaiei (1)
Ionel Ailoaiei (1)
Liliana Ailoaiei (1)
Boris Ailoaiei (1)
Mariana Ailoaiei (1)

Ailoaiei reversed is Ieiaolia
Name contains 8 letters - 87.50% vowels and 12.50% consonants.

Misspells: Oiloaiei Ayloaiei Ajloaiei Aeloaiei Ailoaieia Alioaiei Ailoaiie Ailoaeii

Meaning of name Ailoaiei is: [Iloaia] feminine form of [Ilie]; It also exists as a toponymic 'Podul Iloaiei' = 'The bridge of Iloaia'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand Romania Italy


Old Wiki
Name: Ailoaiei
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Iloaia feminine form of Ilie
Comments: It also exists as a toponymic 'Podul Iloaiei' = 'The bridge of Iloaia'

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