Statistics and meaning of name Aionesei

We have no records about Aionesei being used as firstname.
Surname Aionesei is used at least 171 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Aionesei
Given names
Vasile Aionesei (9)
Constantin Aionesei (8)
Gheorghe Aionesei (8)
Ioan Aionesei (8)
Elena Aionesei (6)
Mircea Aionesei (5)
Dan Aionesei (5)
Mihai Aionesei (4)
Dumitru Aionesei (4)
Maria Aionesei (4)
Viorel Aionesei (4)
Ecaterina Aionesei (3)
Petru Aionesei (3)
Neculai Aionesei (3)
Lucia Aionesei (3)
Ionel Aionesei (3)
Ana Aionesei (3)
Monel Aionesei (3)
Ilie Aionesei (3)
Mihaela Aionesei (2)
Radu Aionesei (2)
Violeta Aionesei (2)
Viorica Aionesei (2)
Virgil Aionesei (2)
Uruma Aionesei (2)
Traian Aionesei (2)
Sandu Aionesei (2)
Sevastita Aionesei (2)
Stefan Aionesei (2)
Adrian Aionesei (2)
Lina Aionesei (2)
Artimiza Aionesei (2)
Domnica Aionesei (2)
Angela Aionesei (2)
Alecu Aionesei (2)
Adriana Aionesei (2)
Ioana Aionesei (2)
Iulian Aionesei (2)
Tatiana Aionesei (1)
Costache Aionesei (1)
Corneliu Aionesei (1)
Silvia Aionesei (1)
Steliana Aionesei (1)
Valeriu Aionesei (1)
Aglaia Aionesei (1)
Anuta Aionesei (1)
Cristian Aionesei (1)
Valeria Aionesei (1)
Danut Aionesei (1)
Gavril Aionesei (1)
Evghenia Aionesei (1)
Mioara Aionesei (1)
Georgica Aionesei (1)
Marioara Aionesei (1)
Dorel Aionesei (1)
Niculina Aionesei (1)
Rodica Aionesei (1)
Iuliana Aionesei (1)
Doina Aionesei (1)
Profira Aionesei (1)
Olimpia Aionesei (1)
Sergiu Aionesei (1)

Aionesei reversed is Iesenoia
Name contains 8 letters - 75.00% vowels and 25.00% consonants.

Misspells: Oionesei Aionessei Ayonesei Ajonesei Aeonesei Aioneseia Aoinesei Aionesie Aioneesi

Rhymes: Nisei Yenisei convey inveigh they say survey

Meaning of name Aionesei is: [Ioneasa] a feminine form of [Ion]

James says: Aionesei - formally, originates from North-West and West Romania ; between 1420 and 1645 , 400,000 people , we're called 'Aionesei 'it comes from the old Latin : Aion - meaning ion in English . Former Wallachia and Translyvania , were the regions were people had the amount of the last name.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania United Kingdom Austria Thailand France Italy Germany Canada


Old Wiki
Name: Aionesei
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Ioneasa a feminine form of Ion

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