Statistics and meaning of name Aktoprak

We have no records about Aktoprak being used as firstname.
Surname Aktoprak is used at least 43 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿克托普拉克 (pinyin: ā kè tuō pǔ lā kè)

      Surname Aktoprak
Given names
Hidir Aktoprak (2)
Sebahat Aktoprak (1)
Serap Aktoprak (1)
Muharrem Aktoprak (1)
Levent Aktoprak (1)
Muharren Aktoprak (1)
Claus Aktoprak (1)
Helene Aktoprak (1)
Ibrahim Aktoprak (1)
Sonay Aktoprak (1)
Sennur Aktoprak (1)

Surname Aktoprak in France   Surname Aktoprak in USA   

Aktoprak reversed is Karpotka
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Ortapakk Rpaotakk
Misspells: Oktoprak Aktoplak Aktoprrak Aktopraka Atkoprak Aktoprka Aktopark

Rhymes: Amtrak Merak Mubarak anorak potluck osmotic pollock pollack starstruck

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Turkey Switzerland Belgium Thailand France Brazil Italy


Writers: Levent Aktoprak, Elçin Aktoprak

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