Statistics and meaning of name Amsing

We have no records about Amsing being used as firstname.
Surname Amsing is used at least 72 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Amsing
Given names
Bert Amsing (2)
Nathalie Amsing (2)
Andre Amsing (2)
Mikael Amsing (1)
Valery Amsing (1)
Wilfreid Amsing (1)
Mike Amsing (1)
Veronica Amsing (1)
Sean Amsing (1)
Estelle Amsing (1)
John Amsing (1)
Beatrice Amsing (1)

Surname Amsing in France   Surname Amsing in Netherlands   

Amsing reversed is Gnisma
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Msigan Gminsa Samnig Msaign Igsanm Nigasm Msangi
Misspells: Omsing Amssing Amsyng Amsjng Amseng Amsinga Asming Amsign Amsnig

Rhymes: Lansing abasing abscessing abusing accessing accusing addressing dancing glancing prancing advancing financing

Meaning of name Amsing is: Means "from Amse's farm". The given name Amse is a variant of Ame, which is a short form of names such as ADELMAR.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Germany Canada Switzerland Philippines Thailand Ireland Italy Reunion India


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