Statistics and meaning of name Anghene
We have no records about Anghene being used as firstname.
Surname Anghene is used at least 58 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 安盖内 (pinyin: ān gài nèi)
Given names
Ion Anghene (8) Maria Anghene (4) Constantin Anghene (4) Florica Anghene (2) Gheorghe Anghene (2) Alexandru Anghene (2) Daniela Anghene (2) Nusa Anghene (2) Maritica Anghene (2) Lacramioara Anghene (2) Corneliu Anghene (2) Mihai Anghene (2) Dumitru Anghene (2) Cristinel Anghene (1) Valerica Anghene (1) Gabriela Anghene (1) Valentina Anghene (1) Nica Anghene (1) Mihaela Anghene (1) Corina Anghene (1) Cornelia Anghene (1) Edith Anghene (1) Lucian Anghene (1) Ghita Anghene (1) Calae Anghene (1) |
Anghene reversed is Enehgna
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Agnehne Henaeng Ngehnea Eeghann Ennegha Hnaegne
Misspells: Onghene Anghenea Agnhene Angheen Anghnee
Rhymes: polythene Abilene Arlene Carlene Charlene Darlene Earlene annum cannon canon famine salmon
Meaning of name Anghene is: another form of [Anghel]
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Anghene Language: Romanian Meaning: another form of Anghel Comments: |
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