Statistics and meaning of name Aninoiu

We have no records about Aninoiu being used as firstname.
Surname Aninoiu is used at least 75 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿尼诺尤 (pinyin: ā ní nuò yóu)

      Surname Aninoiu
Given names
Daniel Aninoiu (7)
Gheorghe Aninoiu (5)
Constantin Aninoiu (5)
Ion Aninoiu (4)
Maria Aninoiu (3)
Mihaela Aninoiu (3)
Grigore Aninoiu (3)
Nicolae Aninoiu (2)
Mihail Aninoiu (2)
Stefan Aninoiu (2)
Dumitru Aninoiu (2)
Margareta Aninoiu (2)
Camelia Aninoiu (1)
Vladimir Aninoiu (1)
Bogdan Aninoiu (1)
Cristina Aninoiu (1)
Mircea Aninoiu (1)
Claudia Aninoiu (1)

Surname Aninoiu in USA   

Aninoiu reversed is Uionina
Name contains 7 letters - 71.43% vowels and 28.57% consonants.

Anagrams: Ainunio Unainio Uinoina
Misspells: Oninoiu Anynoiu Anjnoiu Anenoiu Aninoiua Ainnoiu Aninoui Aniniou

Rhymes: noiu moiu knoiu coiu froiu

Meaning of name Aninoiu is: [Anin] + termination '-oiu'

Mircea says: Most of the people having this surname have the origins in different localities named Aninoasa found in many counties of Romania: for example Aninoasa locality from Gorj county
Ruben Aninoiu says: I am from Greece please add my country to the list!

This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States United Kingdom France Germany Thailand Sweden Italy Greece Canada

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Old Wiki
Name: Aninoiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Anin + termination -oiu

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or about the origins of this name?
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