Statistics and meaning of name Annot

Usage: 43% firstname, 57% surname.
Annot first name was found 14 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Annot is used at least 18 times in at least 6 countries.
Origin of this name is English.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿诺 (pinyin: ā nuò)

      Surname Annot
Given names
Isabelle Annot (2)
Lucien Annot (1)
Sylvie Annot (1)
Michel Annot (1)
Denise Annot (1)
Patrick Annot (1)

Given name Annot
Family names
Annot Duriez (1)
Annot Lightheart (1)

Surname Annot in France   Surname Annot in Netherlands   

Annot reversed is Tonna
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Noatn Tanon Anotn Anont Nnota
Misspells: Onnot Annota Annto Anont

Rhymes: cannot Carnot Huguenot Maginot Minot knot c ascot jackpot sandlot snapshot

Meaning of name Annot is: Light
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands France Germany United Kingdom Thailand Italy Europe Egypt


Writers: Ulysses Annotated, Annotated by Rod Scher, annotated by W. H. Bunting

Books: "Annotations" "Ontario Statute Annotations" "Annotated Instructors Edition" "Annotated Hobbit" "Annotated art" "Java annotated archives" "Familiar poems, annotated" "More Annotated Alice" "The... annotated Copyright Act" "The annotated Bank Act" "Annotated housing statues"

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