Statistics and meaning of name Antonoiu

We have no records about Antonoiu being used as firstname.
Surname Antonoiu is used at least 37 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 安东诺尤 (pinyin: ān dōng nuò yóu)

Given names
Maria Antonoiu (4)
Gheorghe Antonoiu (4)
Elena Antonoiu (4)
Constantin Antonoiu (4)
Dumitru Antonoiu (3)
Petrica Antonoiu (2)
Viorel Antonoiu (1)
Vasile Antonoiu (1)
Nicolae Antonoiu (1)
Stefan Antonoiu (1)
Ion Antonoiu (1)
Angela Antonoiu (1)
Ilie Antonoiu (1)
Alexandru Antonoiu (1)
Mihail Antonoiu (1)

Antonoiu reversed is Uionotna
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Oatnunio Itoonnua Ootaniun Onaotinu
Misspells: Ontonoiu Antonoyu Antonoju Antonoeu Antonoiua Atnonoiu Antonoui Antoniou

Rhymes: tliou hsiu sieu siu spiritu

Meaning of name Antonoiu is: [Anton] + termination '-iu'
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Old Wiki
Name: Antonoiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Anton + termination -iu

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