Statistics and meaning of name Antropoli

We have no records about Antropoli being used as firstname.
Surname Antropoli is used at least 45 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Antropoli
Given names
Carmine Antropoli (4)
Raffaele Antropoli (3)
Luca Antropoli (3)
Mario Antropoli (2)
Michele Antropoli (2)
Salvatore Antropoli (2)
Carlo Antropoli (2)
Domenico Antropoli (2)
Massimo Antropoli (1)
Nicola Antropoli (1)
Orsola Antropoli (1)
Pierino Antropoli (1)
Jean Antropoli (1)
Marianna Antropoli (1)
Giovanna Antropoli (1)
Giorgio Antropoli (1)
Gennaro Antropoli (1)
Giovanni Antropoli (1)
Ivan Antropoli (1)
Luigi Antropoli (1)
Amelia Antropoli (1)
Carlotta Antropoli (1)

Surname Antropoli in Italy   Surname Antropoli in USA   

Antropoli reversed is Iloportna
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Nraitpolo Tirpaolon
Misspells: Ontropoli Antlopoli Antrropoli Antropoly Antropolj Antropole Antropolia Atnropoli Antropoil Antroploi

Rhymes: Tripoli Stromboli broccoli gladioli ravioli soli monopoly oligopoly bodily caudally wobbly

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Georgia Brazil Austria Switzerland France

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