Statistics and meaning of name Aoibhin

Aoibhin first name was found 13 times in 2 different countries. (UK,Australia)
We didn't find anyone with surname Aoibhin.
Gender of firstname Aoibhin is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Family names
Aoibhin Gormley (2)
Aoibhin Canavan (1)
Aoibhin Mcginley (1)
Aoibhin Mulligan (1)
Aoibhin Cormican (1)
Aoibhin Irwin (1)
Aoibhin Gallagher (1)
Aoibhin Cahill (1)
Aoibhin Dougan (1)
Aoibhin Hutchinson (1)

Aoibhin reversed is Nihbioa
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Bhoanii Aobinhi Oinbiha Niohiba Inhabio Bianioh
Misspells: Ooibhin Aoybhin Aojbhin Aoebhin Aoibhina Aiobhin Aoibhni Aoibihn

Rhymes: Cochin Ilyushin Menuhin chin dauphin dolphin lecithin autem outing daubing shouting routing

Meaning of name Aoibhin is: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Aoibheann, meaning "beautiful, fair form."
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