Statistics and meaning of name Aostacioaie

We have no records about Aostacioaie being used as firstname.
Surname Aostacioaie is used at least 25 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Dinu Aostacioaie (3)
Ion Aostacioaie (2)
Maria Aostacioaie (2)
Teodor Aostacioaie (2)
Ilie Aostacioaie (2)
Ioan Aostacioaie (2)
Floarea Aostacioaie (2)
Rodica Aostacioaie (1)
Constantin Aostacioaie (1)
Viorel Aostacioaie (1)
Neculai Aostacioaie (1)
Victor Aostacioaie (1)
Costache Aostacioaie (1)
Anisoara Aostacioaie (1)
Dumitru Aostacioaie (1)
Lucia Aostacioaie (1)
Gheorghe Aostacioaie (1)

Aostacioaie reversed is Eiaoicatsoa
Name contains 11 letters - 72.73% vowels and 27.27% consonants.

Misspells: Oostacioaie Aosstacioaie Aostacyoaie Aostacjoaie Aostaceoaie Aostacioaiea Asotacioaie Aostacioaei Aostacioiae

Meaning of name Aostacioaie is: same as [Ostacioaia] feminin form of [Ostaci]; Aostăcioaie
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Canada Romania

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Old Wiki
Name: Aostacioaie
Language: Romanian
Meaning: same as Ostacioaia feminin form of Ostaci
Comments: Aostăcioaie

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