Statistics and meaning of name Apfelstedt

We have no records about Apfelstedt being used as firstname.
Surname Apfelstedt is used at least 31 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿普费尔施泰特 (pinyin: ā pǔ fèi ěr shī tài té)

      Surname Apfelstedt
Given names
Frank Apfelstedt (9)
Katie Apfelstedt (2)
Axel Apfelstedt (2)
Shane Apfelstedt (1)
Robert Apfelstedt (1)
Stephen Apfelstedt (1)
Paul Apfelstedt (1)
Rainer Apfelstedt (1)
Horst Apfelstedt (1)
Heinrich Apfelstedt (1)
Roswitha Apfelstedt (1)
Kelly Apfelstedt (1)
Christopher Apfelstedt (1)
Chris Apfelstedt (1)
Catherine Apfelstedt (1)
Fiona Apfelstedt (1)
Gwendoline Apfelstedt (1)
Karl Apfelstedt (1)
Jake Apfelstedt (1)
Nicola Apfelstedt (1)

Surname Apfelstedt in Germany   

Apfelstedt reversed is Tdetslefpa
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Opfelstedt Apfelsstedt Apfelstedta Afpelstedt Apfelstetd Apfelstdet

Rhymes: annalist candlelit agonist alchemist atavist

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Australia Italy Ireland


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