Statistics and meaning of name Apostoae
We have no records about Apostoae being used as firstname.
Surname Apostoae is used at least 49 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿波斯托阿耶 (pinyin: ā bō sī tuō ā yé)
Given names
Ioan Apostoae (4) Vasile Apostoae (3) Ilie Apostoae (3) Constantin Apostoae (3) Gheorghe Apostoae (3) Mihai Apostoae (2) Neculai Apostoae (2) Stefan Apostoae (2) Mihut Apostoae (2) Maria Apostoae (2) Viorica Apostoae (2) Costica Apostoae (2) Valerica Apostoae (1) Aurora Apostoae (1) Cristinel Apostoae (1) Stefana Apostoae (1) Dumitru Apostoae (1) Adrian Apostoae (1) Silvia Apostoae (1) Ecaterina Apostoae (1) Laurenta Apostoae (1) |
Apostoae reversed is Eaotsopa
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Saopetao Aosotpea Apaosoet Otasoape
Misspells: Opostoae Aposstoae Apostoaea Aopstoae Apostoea Apostaoe
Rhymes: display astray underplay today decay
Meaning of name Apostoae is: same as [Apostoaia] feminin form of [Apostu]
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