Statistics and meaning of name Arlon
Usage: 88% firstname, 12% surname.
Arlon first name was found 916 times in 13 different countries.
Surname Arlon is used at least 120 times in at least 10 countries.
Origin of this name is Gaelic.
Gender of firstname Arlon is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿隆 (pinyin: ā lōng)
Given names
Penelope Arlon (2) Philippe Arlon (2) Christian Arlon (1) Albert Arlon (1) Gael Arlon (1) Isabelle Arlon (1) Nathalie Arlon (1) Raymond Arlon (1) Jessica Arlon (1) Vanessa Arlon (1) Lynn Arlon (1) Jillian Arlon (1) Guillaume Arlon (1) Timothy Arlon (1) Deke Arlon (1) James Arlon (1) |
Family names Arlon Pullar (2) Arlon Skeete (1) Arlon Thorne (1) Arlon Gislason (1) Arlon Moncada (1) Arlon Remnant (1) Arlon Bauer (1) Arlon Calub (1) Arlon Popkey (1) Arlon Dyky (1) Arlon Maxfield (1) |
Arlon reversed is Nolra
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Roanl Narol Aronl Aroln Lrona
Misspells: Orlon Allon Arrlon Arlona Alron Arlno Aroln
Rhymes: Marlon Orlon Avalon Babylon Bertillon Ceylon Colon marlin aren arson carbon fallen
Meaning of name Arlon is: N/A
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