Statistics and meaning of name Arngrim

Usage: 58% firstname, 42% surname.
Arngrim first name was found 10 times in 2 different countries. (Denmark,Norway)
Surname Arngrim is used at least 7 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Denmark)

Given names
Nanna Arngrim (2)
Torben Arngrim (1)
Lea Arngrim (1)
Kari Arngrim (1)
Janne Arngrim (1)

Family names
Arngrim Sopstad (1)
Arngrim Stromsjordet (1)
Arngrim Utskarpen (1)
Arngrim Ytterhus (1)
Arngrim Molberg (1)
Arngrim Lohre (1)
Arngrim Fagerhaug (1)
Arngrim Hausnes (1)
Arngrim Hunnes (1)
Arngrim Jacobsen (1)

Arngrim reversed is Mirgnra
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Mrangir
Misspells: Orngrim Alngrim Arrngrim Arngrym Arngrjm Arngrem Arngrima Anrgrim Arngrmi Arngirm

Rhymes: Pilgrim grim pilgrim Purim Tarim brim quicklime scrim prelim limb

Meaning of name Arngrim is: Old Swedish and modern form of Arngrímr

Kenny Lee Iker says: Arn är fornnordiska ordet för örn. Grim betyder maskerad och är det namn Oden sas bära när han rörde sig inkognito bland människor. Utifrån det blir betydelsen "Maskerad örn".

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Denmark Germany France Canada Sweden Europe Mexico Brunei Darussalam Norway Chile Brazil Australia Thailand Italy Iceland Netherlands Japan Switzerland Philippines


Famous people: Stefan Arngrim

Writers: Alison Arngrim

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