Statistics and meaning of name Arnrup

We have no records about Arnrup being used as firstname.
Surname Arnrup is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Sweden)
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿恩鲁普 (pinyin: ā ēn lǔ pǔ)

Given names
Maud Arnrup (1)
Ola Arnrup (1)
Rut Arnrup (1)
Johan Arnrup (1)
Jesper Arnrup (1)
Christer Arnrup (1)
Fredrik Arnrup (1)
Helena Arnrup (1)
Birgitta Arnrup (1)

Arnrup reversed is Purnra
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Arnurp Narurp Rnarpu Anrupr Urpanr Rnaupr
Misspells: Ornrup Alnrup Arrnrup Arnrupa Anrrup Arnrpu Arnurp

Rhymes: Northrup chirrup sirup stirrup syrup armlet markup gossip startup polyp

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Christer Arnrup says: Taken name that used to be Andersson. The ending -rup is a common ending of places in Skåne, Sweden and also in Denmark. The beginning Arn is just made up by my grandfather and his Children.

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