Statistics and meaning of name Ashina

Usage: 42% firstname, 58% surname.
Ashina first name was found 50 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Ashina is used at least 67 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 足奈 (pinyin: zú nài)

      Surname Ashina
Given names
Tatiana Ashina (1)
Messoud Ashina (1)
Kokoe Ashina (1)
Shinya Ashina (1)

Given name Ashina
Family names
Ashina Visram (2)
Ashina Kataike (2)
Ashina Waris (1)
Ashina Chander (1)
Ashina Nazar (1)
Ashina Bakiza (1)

Surname Ashina in USA   

Ashina reversed is Anihsa
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Saihan Asinha Hasnia Iahans Shanai
Misspells: Oshina Asshina Ashyna Ashjna Ashena Ashinaa Ahsina Ashian Ashnia

Rhymes: China Indochina china Agrippina Andrianampoinimerina Angelina Argentina sera villa abscissa sirrah militia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany United Kingdom India Turkey Australia Canada Malaysia South Africa Netherlands Poland Thailand China Japan Austria Lithuania Switzerland Singapore Russian Federation Sweden Kenya Jamaica Indonesia


Famous people: Ashina Nishufu, Ashina Anluo, Ashina Funian, Sei Ashina, Ashina Morikiyo, Ashina Moriuji

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