Statistics and meaning of name Atanasiade

We have no records about Atanasiade being used as firstname.
Surname Atanasiade is used at least 16 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Greek.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿塔纳夏德 (pinyin: ā tǎ nà xià dé)

Given names
Tomaida Atanasiade (2)
Ileana Atanasiade (2)
Angela Atanasiade (2)
Zinovia Atanasiade (1)
Maria Atanasiade (1)
Aristide Atanasiade (1)

Atanasiade reversed is Edaisanata
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Endaatasai
Misspells: Otanasiade Atanassiade Atanasyade Atanasjade Atanaseade Atanasiadea Aatnasiade Atanasiaed Atanasidae

Rhymes: Belgrade Centigrade Gatorade Lestrade Meade Rollerblade Sade jeremiad naiad unquiet disquiet quiet

Meaning of name Atanasiade is: Romanian version for the Greek name [Athanasiadis]
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Old Wiki
Name: Atanasiade
Language: Romanian
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Romanian version for the Greek name Athanasiadis

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