Statistics and meaning of name Atissa

Atissa first name was found 14 times in 2 different countries. (USA,France)
We didn't find anyone with surname Atissa.


Family names
Atissa Mohsenian (1)
Atissa Kaschanchi (1)
Atissa Fotovat (1)

Atissa reversed is Assita
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tasias Tisaas Asista Tiasas Aitsas
Misspells: Otissa Atisssa Atyssa Atjssa Atessa Atissaa Aitssa Atisas

Rhymes: mantissa Alissa Carissa Clarissa Marissa Melissa abscissa ecclesia paramecia diva visa amnesia

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Atissa says: Variation der Göttin Atussa (aus dem Land Iran), Göttin des Wachstums und der Fruchtbarkeit.
SINENI OLISAH says: The name is Hebraic;At an article defining the verb or preposition Issa properly esan or asan-heb:עשנ (eshan or ashan) a place in Palestine,which is also a tribe in Benin Edo people. Hence the proper pronunciation is Atesan or Ateshan or Atashan with Ashan or Eshan being the verb. See Joshua 15:42;19:7...The lack of sh in the people made them pronounce it esan instead of eshan or Ashan. Hence At:means from and Issa (asan /ashan /esan /eshan:(heb:עשנ) is eshan or esan -ATESAN; AT-ESAN/AT-ESHAN PEOPLE(altered ATISSA) .SHALOM .

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