Statistics and meaning of name Atl

Usage: 54% firstname, 46% surname.
Atl first name was found 39 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Atl is used at least 32 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿特尔 (pinyin: ā té ěr)

      Surname Atl

Given name Atl

Surname Atl in USA   

Atl reversed is Lta
Name contains 3 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Alt Tla Tal Lat
Misspells: Otl Atla Alt Tal

Rhymes: battle cattle rattle chattel tattle

Meaning of name Atl is: Nahuatl unisex name meaning "water."
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Iraq Malaysia Germany


Writers: Atl Bruecke, Atle Moe, Atle Dyregroy, Atle Hetland, Atle Næss, Atle Kittang, Atle Dyregrov, Dr Atl, Duardo Atl, Atl Sci, Atle Gerhardsen, Atle Mesoy, Atle Gjelsvik, Atle Skaftun, Atle Mesøy, Esin Atl, Atle Midttun, Atle Seierstad, Atle Selberg

Books: "ATL internals: working with ATL 8" "Encyclopedic Word Atls Compreh" "Modern Atl" "Dr. Atl (Artistas latinoamericanos)" "Using MFC and ATL" "ATL developer's guide" "Atl 4.0 Components" "Atl Programmer's Resource Kit" "Anterior Segment Disorders:Col Atl" "Atl Rheumatology Inst 1.1 Win" "PHILIP'S WORLD ATL REF EDN (COUNTY" "Dr. Atl: paisaje de hielo y fuego" "Atles del Comtat d'Osona (798-993)"

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