Statistics and meaning of name Aurthur

Usage: 93% firstname, 7% surname.
Aurthur first name was found 972 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Aurthur is used at least 69 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)
Gender of firstname Aurthur is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

Given names
Sharon Aurthur (1)
Richard Aurthur (1)
Rachel Aurthur (1)
Eric Aurthur (1)
Cheryl Aurthur (1)

Given name Aurthur
Family names
Aurthur Hurlburt (2)
Aurthur Grigorjevs (1)
Aurthur Ebirim (1)
Aurthur Fitzsimmons (1)
Aurthur Neuschwander (1)
Aurthur Thexton (1)
Aurthur Sloman (1)
Aurthur Joyce (1)
Aurthur Denhere (1)
Aurthur Stephens (1)
Aurthur Harvey (1)
Aurthur Kenoras (1)
Aurthur Depatie (1)
Aurthur Burton (1)
Aurthur Hardy (1)
Aurthur Peterson (1)
Aurthur Arsenault (1)
Aurthur Matema (1)

Surname Aurthur in USA   

Aurthur reversed is Ruhtrua
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Arurtuh Thuarur Ruartuh Urhatru Tuarruh
Misspells: Ourthur Aulthur Aurrthur Aurthura Aruthur Aurthru Aurtuhr

Rhymes: Arthur MacArthur Thur author offer saucer coffer hawser

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand


Famous people: Robert Alan Aurthur

Writers: Aurthur Hildersham, Jonathan Aurthur, Aurthur O'Sullivan, Emily McAurthur, Aurthur M. Kroll

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