Statistics and meaning of name Avesta
Usage: 57% firstname, 43% surname.
Avesta first name was found 55 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Avesta is used at least 40 times in at least 9 countries.
Gender of firstname Avesta is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Given names
Saeed Avesta (1) Textil Avesta (1) Tvatt Avesta (1) Reza Avesta (1) Nahid Avesta (1) Farzan Avesta (1) Issa Avesta (1) Artemis Avesta (1) |
Family names Avesta Mamand (3) Avesta Mageed (2) Avesta Sag (1) Avesta Ahmed (1) Avesta Starkholm (1) Avesta Sucuri (1) Avesta Welding (1) Avesta Tvatten (1) Avesta Mahmoud (1) Avesta Akoi (1) Avesta Jon (1) Avesta Sherabayani (1) Avesta Design (1) Avesta Aryanfar (1) Avesta Nomat (1) Avesta Flard (1) |
Avesta reversed is Atseva
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Vaseat Vesaat Asetva Veasat Aevtas Veatas
Misspells: Ovesta Avessta Abesta Avestaa Aevsta Avesat Avetsa
Rhymes: Vesta celesta fiesta siesta sulfa alumna errata papilla kola
Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries:
Famous people: Mehrdad Avesta
Books: "The Zend-Avesta" "The Zend Avesta of Zarathustra" "El Avesta, Zoroastro"
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