Statistics and meaning of name Aviv
Usage: 63% firstname, 37% surname.
Aviv first name was found 836 times in 25 different countries.
Surname Aviv is used at least 474 times in at least 16 countries.
Origin of this name is Hebrew.
Gender of firstname Aviv is 18% feminine and 82% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿维夫 (pinyin: ā wéi fū)
Given names
Richard Aviv (2) Myriam Aviv (2) Nurith Aviv (1) Doron Aviv (1) Eliyahu Aviv (1) Gad Aviv (1) Yossi Aviv (1) Shimon Aviv (1) Gal Aviv (1) Avraham Aviv (1) Juliann Aviv (1) Levent Aviv (1) Liram Aviv (1) Susan Aviv (1) |
Family names Aviv Handler (2) Aviv Stoica (2) Aviv Auerbach (2) Aviv Margalit (2) Aviv Glaser (1) Aviv Soriano (1) Aviv Shachnaey (1) Aviv Gavra (1) Aviv Chinoune (1) Aviv Germon (1) Aviv Tiri (1) Aviv Livnat (1) Aviv Hull (1) Aviv Ron (1) Aviv Zonabend (1) Aviv Camarasa (1) Aviv Katz (1) Aviv Atlas (1) Aviv Haras (1) Aviv Ouanounou (1) Aviv Gelb (1) Aviv Boonin (1) Aviv Levy (1) Aviv Kupfer (1) Aviv Ciorba (1) Aviv Kaminsky (1) Aviv Hadad (1) Aviv Zer (1) |
Aviv reversed is Viva
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Avvi Aivv Viva Vaiv Vvia Viav
Misspells: Oviv Avyv Abiv Avjv Avev Aviva Aivv Avvi
Rhymes: receive achieve perceive heave sheave
Meaning of name Aviv is: Spring, springtime
This page has been visited from the following countries:
Famous people: Aviv Geffen
Writers: Tel Aviv, Richard Aviv, Aviv Hassid, Aviv Hoffmann, Caryn Aviv, Juval Aviv, Jonathan E. Aviv, Aviv M. Ilan, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Tel Aviv Israel, David G. Aviv, Aviv Ben Zeev, Muzeon Tel Aviv Le-Omanut
Books: "Tel Aviv: mythography of a city" "Atlas de Tel-Aviv (L')" "It happened in Tel Aviv" "Tel Aviv and environs"
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