Statistics and meaning of name Awadallah

Usage: 10% firstname, 90% surname.
Awadallah first name was found 43 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Awadallah is used at least 376 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿瓦达拉 (pinyin: ā wǎ dá lā)

      Surname Awadallah
Given names
Manal Awadallah (4)
Mohanad Awadallah (3)
Mohammad Awadallah (2)
Hatem Awadallah (2)
Rafik Awadallah (2)
Sumaya Awadallah (1)
Housameddin Awadallah (1)
Mohab Awadallah (1)
Bidi Awadallah (1)
Hamdi Awadallah (1)
Bayan Awadallah (1)
Nadin Awadallah (1)

Given name Awadallah
Family names
Awadallah Ghobrial (2)
Awadallah Ahmed (1)

Surname Awadallah in Norway   Surname Awadallah in USA   

Awadallah reversed is Halladawa
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Wdahalaal Awdalhala Lalwahaad
Misspells: Owadallah Avvadallah Awadallaha Aawdallah Awadallha Awadalalh

Rhymes: Allah Bahaullah Gullah Hezbollah ayatollah mullah mandala gondola phenomena automata copula

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Saudi Arabia Canada Egypt Australia United Kingdom Germany Jordan United Arab Emirates Algeria Israel Sweden Sudan Spain France Netherlands Poland Turkey Palestinian Territory Cyprus Belgium Portugal Norway Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Iran Bahrain Peru Philippines Russian Federation Guatemala Bangladesh Finland Singapore Morocco Thailand Azerbaijan Kuwait Austria Korea Qatar Ukraine


Famous people: Baraah Awadallah Marouane

Writers: Sherif Abdel Monem Awadallah

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