Statistics and meaning of name Awelewa

Usage: 16% firstname, 84% surname.
Awelewa first name was found 11 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Nigeria)
Surname Awelewa is used at least 55 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Awelewa
Given names
Oluseyi Awelewa (4)
Julius Awelewa (2)
Olumide Awelewa (2)
Samuel Awelewa (2)
Joseph Awelewa (2)
Abraham Awelewa (2)
Timothy Awelewa (2)
Oluwakemi Awelewa (1)
Phebian Awelewa (1)
Stephen Awelewa (1)
Omolola Awelewa (1)
Mofesola Awelewa (1)
Cecilia Awelewa (1)
Austin Awelewa (1)
Emmanuel Awelewa (1)
Mofe Awelewa (1)
Abioye Awelewa (1)
Olanrewaju Awelewa (1)

Surname Awelewa in USA   

Awelewa reversed is Awelewa
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Aewalwe Leewwaa Lewaawe Wealwea Awaelwe Awweela
Misspells: Owelewa Avvelewa Awelewaa Aewlewa Aweleaw Awelwea

Rhymes: Chippewa ua hua tua helluva fistula

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Awe Abiola says: Breaking the name down Awe means slim or slender Le means in Ewa means beauty. The name means slim/ slender in beauty
Awe Olusegun says: The name is a Yoruba Family name from Southwest Nigeria (Africa), Awe= Rare Le = in Ewa= Beauty ; Awelewa means Rare Beauty. OR Rare in Beauty.
Marscos Baba says: Awelewa Means Some One Who Is Beautiful

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