Statistics and meaning of name Ayran

Usage: 26% firstname, 74% surname.
Ayran first name was found 32 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Ayran is used at least 89 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Ayran
Given names
Recep Ayran (1)
Nefise Ayran (1)
Azima Ayran (1)
Ilmiye Ayran (1)
Ibrahim Ayran (1)

Given name Ayran
Family names
Ayran Sagir (1)
Ayran Myhill (1)

Surname Ayran in USA   

Ayran reversed is Narya
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ayrna Anrya Nyraa Ryana Aryna
Misspells: Oyran Aylan Ayrran Airan Ayrana Aryan Ayrna Ayarn

Rhymes: Aldebaran Bran Cochran Duran Ecuadoran Fran Honduran heron arum harem melon felon

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Canada Israel Switzerland Thailand Saudi Arabia Turkey Belgium Poland India United Kingdom Italy Philippines China Sweden Netherlands


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or about the origins of this name?
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