Statistics and meaning of name Bagola

We have no records about Bagola being used as firstname.
Surname Bagola is used at least 87 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴戈拉 (pinyin: bā gē lā)

      Surname Bagola
Given names
Manfred Bagola (2)
Harry Bagola (2)
Renate Bagola (2)
Albert Bagola (2)
Helmut Bagola (1)
Horst Bagola (1)
Sabine Bagola (1)
Petra Bagola (1)
Gerda Bagola (1)
Maria Bagola (1)
Carina Bagola (1)
Anton Bagola (1)
Benjamin Bagola (1)
Detlef Bagola (1)
Lee Bagola (1)

Surname Bagola in Germany   Surname Bagola in USA   

Bagola reversed is Alogab
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Abogal Agoabl Boglaa Gbaloa Agboal Bgalao Loabga
Misspells: Bogola Bagolaa Bgaola Bagoal Bagloa

Rhymes: Angola Agricola Apalachicola Coppola Crayola Denebola cola payola cupola sola viola

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Roger Bagula says: A Lower Lausitz / Wendish name meaning nurse or care giver. Associated with Drachhausen in the Poacher play by Juji Koch about Friedrick Bagola.
Roger Bagula says: In North Dakota a family of this name is associate with the offspring of the Dakota Sioux George Bagola born About 1869 in Cheyenne River, Dewey, South Dakota, USA
Roger Bagula says: Walter Wenzel say in his book on Niedersorbishe personennamen that the name comes from bagowas or bahowac which translates something like care giver, care taker, nurse.

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