Statistics and meaning of name Baietelu

We have no records about Baietelu being used as firstname.
Surname Baietelu is used at least 12 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Tudor Baietelu (2)
Ion Baietelu (2)
Ioana Baietelu (2)
Elena Baietelu (2)
Gurita Baietelu (2)
Radu Baietelu (1)

Baietelu reversed is Uleteiab
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Utailbee Etbeilau
Misspells: Boietelu Bayetelu Bajetelu Baeetelu Baietelua Biaetelu Baieteul Baietleu

Rhymes: parvenu ingenue menu nephew venue

Meaning of name Baietelu is: the same as [Baietel] ; Băieţelu
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Old Wiki
Name: Baietelu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Baietel
Comments: Băieţelu

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or about the origins of this name?
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