Statistics and meaning of name Balge

We have no records about Balge being used as firstname.
Surname Balge is used at least 39 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Balge
Given names
Irmgard Balge (1)
Hermann Balge (1)
Lothar Balge (1)
Rosmarie Balge (1)
Torsten Balge (1)
Hardy Balge (1)
Georg Balge (1)
Birgit Balge (1)
Josef Balge (1)
Egon Balge (1)
Evelyne Balge (1)
Fredi Balge (1)
John Balge (1)

Surname Balge in Germany   Surname Balge in USA   

Balge reversed is Eglab
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Baleg Agbel Gelab Ebagl Bagel Bagle Lageb Blaeg
Misspells: Bolge Balgea Blage Baleg Bagle

Rhymes: bilge bulge divulge indulge overindulge frailty daily bailey palely baby

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Kenya Thailand Belgium United Kingdom Canada


Writers: Richard Balge, Ed Balge Richard D., Marci Z. Balge, Marjorie P. Balge-Crozier

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