Statistics and meaning of name Barabancea
We have no records about Barabancea being used as firstname.
Surname Barabancea is used at least 42 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴拉班恰 (pinyin: bā lā bān qià)
Given names
Maria Barabancea (2) Alexandru Barabancea (2) Octavian Barabancea (2) Elena Barabancea (2) Petru Barabancea (2) Ghiorghe Barabancea (2) Iulian Barabancea (2) Florenta Barabancea (2) Rodica Barabancea (2) Stana Barabancea (2) Georgeta Barabancea (2) Ion Barabancea (2) Lucretia Barabancea (1) Vasilica Barabancea (1) Gheorghe Barabancea (1) Valentin Barabancea (1) Angela Barabancea (1) Alexandra Barabancea (1) Mihail Barabancea (1) Stefan Barabancea (1) Eduard Barabancea (1) |
Barabancea reversed is Aecnabarab
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Abebraacan
Misspells: Borabancea Balabancea Barrabancea Barabanceaa Braabancea Barabancae Barabaneca
Rhymes: panacea ataxia wistaria ophthalmia cassia raffia
Meaning of name Barabancea is: the same theme as [Baraban] or maybe derived directly from the name plus the termination -cea; see also the bulgarian name [Barabanov]
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Barabancea Language: Romanian Meaning: the same theme as Baraban or maybe derived directly from the name plus the termination -cea; see also the bulgarian name Barabanov Comments: |
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