Statistics and meaning of name Barangel
We have no records about Barangel being used as firstname.
Surname Barangel is used at least 10 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Gheorghe Barangel (2) Alexandru Barangel (2) Mihai Barangel (1) Constantin Barangel (1) Aurelia Barangel (1) Ctin Barangel (1) |
Barangel reversed is Legnarab
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Abralneg Eragnalb Narebalg Lnarebga Rganebla
Misspells: Borangel Balangel Barrangel Barangela Braangel Barangle Baranegl
Rhymes: angel archangel Angel Stengel propel compel clientele lapel pastel
Meaning of name Barangel is: [Baranga] plus the termination -el; Bărăngel
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Barangel Language: Romanian Meaning: Baranga plus the termination -el Comments: Bărăngel |
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