Statistics and meaning of name Barbescu

We have no records about Barbescu being used as firstname.
Surname Barbescu is used at least 35 times in at least 2 countries. (Moldova,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴尔贝斯库 (pinyin: bā ěr bèi sī kù)

Given names
Maria Barbescu (5)
Nicolae Barbescu (5)
Elena Barbescu (3)
Mircea Barbescu (2)
Moise Barbescu (2)
Silvia Barbescu (2)
Lascu Barbescu (2)
Gheorghe Barbescu (2)
Stefan Barbescu (1)
Traian Barbescu (1)
Simion Barbescu (1)
Evghenia Barbescu (1)
Veaceslav Barbescu (1)
Floare Barbescu (1)

Surname Barbescu in Moldova   

Barbescu reversed is Ucsebrab
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rsaecbub
Misspells: Borbescu Balbescu Barrbescu Barbesscu Barbescua Brabescu Barbesuc Barbecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue parvenu ingenue menu nephew

Meaning of name Barbescu is: [Barbu] plus the termination -escu ; see also the toponymic ''Bărbeşti''; also spelled Bărbescu
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Old Wiki
Name: Barbescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Barbu plus the termination -escu ; see also the toponymic Bărbeşti
Comments: also spelled Bărbescu

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