Statistics and meaning of name Barnholt

We have no records about Barnholt being used as firstname.
Surname Barnholt is used at least 80 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Barnholt
Given names
Gyda Barnholt (1)
Guro Barnholt (1)
Charlotte Barnholt (1)
Kai Barnholt (1)
Kenneth Barnholt (1)
Trym Barnholt (1)
Tore Barnholt (1)
Magnus Barnholt (1)
Aud Barnholt (1)
Anette Barnholt (1)
Gunvor Barnholt (1)
Flemming Barnholt (1)
June Barnholt (1)
Henriette Barnholt (1)
Michael Barnholt (1)
Anders Barnholt (1)
Tina Barnholt (1)
Poul Barnholt (1)
John Barnholt (1)

Surname Barnholt in Norway   Surname Barnholt in USA   

Barnholt reversed is Tlohnrab
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Bornholt Balnholt Barrnholt Barnholta Branholt Barnhotl Barnhlot

Rhymes: Colt Holt bolt colt deadbolt dolt jolt compost compote

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Norway Germany United Kingdom Denmark Sweden Taiwan Thailand


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