Statistics and meaning of name Bartoiu

We have no records about Bartoiu being used as firstname.
Surname Bartoiu is used at least 11 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴尔托尤 (pinyin: bā ěr tuō yóu)

Given names
Elena Bartoiu (2)
Ion Bartoiu (2)
Petre Bartoiu (2)
Paula Bartoiu (1)
Margareta Bartoiu (1)
Gabriela Bartoiu (1)
Maria Bartoiu (1)

Bartoiu reversed is Uiotrab
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Brautio Toabuir Arutiob Tiburao
Misspells: Bortoiu Baltoiu Barrtoiu Bartoyu Bartoju Bartoeu Bartoiua Bratoiu Bartoui Bartiou

Rhymes: tliou hsiu sieu siu preview

Meaning of name Bartoiu is: [Bart] plus the termination -oiu; Bărtoiu
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Old Wiki
Name: Bartoiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Bart plus the termination -oiu
Comments: Bărtoiu

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