Statistics and meaning of name Basulescu

We have no records about Basulescu being used as firstname.
Surname Basulescu is used at least 45 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)

Given names
Ana Basulescu (5)
Gavrila Basulescu (4)
Iosif Basulescu (3)
Maria Basulescu (3)
Gheorghe Basulescu (2)
Siminica Basulescu (2)
Ilie Basulescu (2)
Petru Basulescu (2)
Gheorghita Basulescu (2)
Dumitru Basulescu (2)
Nistor Basulescu (1)
Chitu Basulescu (1)
Sidonia Basulescu (1)
Nicolae Basulescu (1)
Aurel Basulescu (1)
Lidia Basulescu (1)
Fivi Basulescu (1)
Ion Basulescu (1)
Daniela Basulescu (1)
Floarea Basulescu (1)
Crucita Basulescu (1)

Basulescu reversed is Ucselusab
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Baussucel Bsulsueca Seucsubla Sseacublu
Misspells: Bosulescu Bassulescu Basulescua Bsaulescu Basulesuc Basulecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Austria Thailand Sweden Germany

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or about the origins of this name?
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