Statistics and meaning of name Batailley

We have no records about Batailley being used as firstname.
Surname Batailley is used at least 52 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴塔耶 (pinyin: bā tǎ yé)

Given names
Laurent Batailley (2)
Loic Batailley (2)
Isabelle Batailley (2)
Jean Batailley (2)
Didier Batailley (2)
Andre Batailley (2)
Alexandre Batailley (1)
Laura Batailley (1)
Viviane Batailley (1)
William Batailley (1)
Xavier Batailley (1)
Yolande Batailley (1)
Micheline Batailley (1)
Marc Batailley (1)
Geoffrey Batailley (1)
Laurence Batailley (1)
Franck Batailley (1)
Annie Batailley (1)
Angele Batailley (1)
Valerie Batailley (1)
Eric Batailley (1)
Odette Batailley (1)
Guy Batailley (1)
Henri Batailley (1)
Gilles Batailley (1)
Francis Batailley (1)
Corinne Batailley (1)
Dina Batailley (1)
Julie Batailley (1)
Julien Batailley (1)
Patrick Batailley (1)
Regis Batailley (1)
Aline Batailley (1)
Nadine Batailley (1)
Marie Batailley (1)
Remi Batailley (1)

Surname Batailley in France   

Batailley reversed is Yelliatab
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Aabytliel Baatlyeli Tyalbiela Btyilalea Llyetabia Yleiblaat
Misspells: Botailley Bataylley Bataillei Batajlley Bataelley Batailleya Btaailley Bataillye Batailely

Rhymes: Halley Holley Kelley Sculley Shelley Talley alley daily bailey palely gaily

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States United Kingdom India Thailand New Caledonia Germany Norway Europe Canada


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