Statistics and meaning of name Bavly

Usage: 18% firstname, 82% surname.
Bavly first name was found 7 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Bavly is used at least 31 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 巴夫利 (pinyin: bā fū lì)

      Surname Bavly
Given names
Dror Bavly (1)
Ezra Bavly (1)

Given name Bavly
Family names
Bavly Obaid (1)

Surname Bavly in USA   

Bavly reversed is Ylvab
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Bavyl Albyv Lyvab Ybalv Balyv Balvy Valyb Bvayl
Misspells: Bovly Bavli Bably Bavlya Bvaly Bavyl Balvy

Rhymes: bravely gravely concavely basely paisley

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Bavly Sadek says: بافلي اسم قبطي معناه بولا و بولا هو تصغير بولس باليونانية و بولس تعني الصغير
Bavly says: The name Bavly is the same as Paolo in Italian, its origin is Coptic which is old Egyptian, the meaning of the name is young.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Egypt United States Saudi Arabia Sudan Iraq Germany United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Bahrain Qatar Jordan Switzerland Israel Algeria Czech Republic Austria Canada Kuwait Oman Thailand France Lebanon Russian Federation Sweden


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Writers: Sarah Bavly

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