Statistics and meaning of name Baybay

Usage: 24% firstname, 76% surname.
Baybay first name was found 32 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Baybay is used at least 99 times in at least 15 countries.

      Surname Baybay
Given names
John Baybay (2)
Jennifer Baybay (2)
Jonathan Baybay (2)
Lahsen Baybay (1)
Abderrahamane Baybay (1)
Richard Baybay (1)
Samira Baybay (1)
Abdel Baybay (1)
Judith Baybay (1)
Zenaida Baybay (1)
Abdellatif Baybay (1)
Remedious Baybay (1)
Magdalena Baybay (1)
Gomersindo Baybay (1)
Froilan Baybay (1)
Clifford Baybay (1)
Gumersindo Baybay (1)
Marose Baybay (1)
Bayani Baybay (1)
Lawrence Baybay (1)
Chris Baybay (1)

Given name Baybay

Surname Baybay in France   Surname Baybay in USA   

Baybay reversed is Yabyab
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Aybyba Yabayb Ybaaby Aybbya Byybaa Abybya Aybayb
Misspells: Boybay Baibay Baybaya Byabay Baybya Bayaby

Rhymes: Bombay bay today bj tj toupee day

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Philippines United Kingdom France Sweden Germany India Spain


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